Wednesday, March 30, 2011

El Cuerpo Grita.... Lo que la boca calla...


"La enfermedad es un conflicto entre la personalidad y el alma".

Muchas veces...

El resfrío "chorrea" cuando el cuerpo no llora.
El dolor de garganta "tapona" cuando no es posible comunicar las aflicciones.
El estómago arde cuando las rabias no consiguen salir.
La diabetes invade cuando la soledad duele.
El cuerpo engorda cuando la insatisfacción aprieta.
El dolor de cabeza deprime cuando las dudas aumentan.
El corazón afloja cuando el sentido de la vida parece terminar.
La alergia aparece cuando el perfeccionismo está intolerable.
Las uñas se quiebran cuando las defensas están amenazadas.
El pecho aprieta cuando el orgullo esclaviza.
La presión sube cuando el miedo aprisiona.
Las neurosis paralizan cuando el niño interior tiraniza.
La fiebre calienta cuando las defensas explotan las fronteras de la inmunidad.
Las rodillas duelen cuando tu orgullo no se doblega.
El cáncer mata cuando te cansas de "vivir".
Y tus dolores callados? Cómo hablan en tu cuerpo?

La Enfermedad no es mala, te avisa que te estas equivocando de camino.Me parece bonito compartir este mensaje:

El camino a la felicidad no es recto. Existen curvas llamadas EQUIVOCACIONES, existen semaforos llamados AMIGOS, luces de precaucion llamadas FAMILIA, y todo se logra si tienes: Una llanta de repuesto llamada DECISION, un potente motor llamado AMOR, un buen seguro llamado FE, abudante combustible llamado PACIENCIA, pero sobre todo un experto conductor llamado DIOS


Wordle: Education

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Baking a Cake

What in the world happened to me today? Well, I told my daughter I would bake a cake for a friend and guess what? I forgot to spray the pans with Spam... =(. Right now I am trying to figure out how I will get those cakes out of the pans and if they will be in one piece. Let me go and try it and I will be back with a picture to let you know the results of such a situation in my everyday kitchen activities... =)

Well, well!!! I was able to take it out of the pans and decorate it. Here is a picture of my almost masterpiece! =) (For a minute I thought I would have to make another one...)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Short Story

Five Card Story: Creativity

a Five Card Flickr story created by GoldisJewel

flickr photo by spacedlawyer

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by Choconancy1

flickr photo by hummingcrow

Creativity can be found everywhere! Having your toenails done a bright colors with decorations is one way. Maybe drawing scenes that have a great impact on you. Dancing the belly dance is another way. Designing sculptures just like MichaelAngelo did. And last but not least is creating special dishes in the kitchen. Enjoy!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's All About Education

It’s All About Education
So many unanswered questions come into my mind when I stop to think about the present situation that schools are going through. The most urgent one is DISCIPLINE. Where do we begin to make things better for everyone involved, especially our students? How do we approach the titanic task of teaching character education?
A couple of days ago I was sitting in the cafeteria of our school having breakfast with a couple of teachers. We sat there sharing our everyday experiences we face in the classroom. While we were there, a group of students came in, joined some tables, and sat down to enjoy some time off. I should add that I’m not even sure if these students were supposed to be there because it was not recess time for anyone. The students began getting quite noisy and disruptive which made me stand up with the intention of going over and asking them to lower the volume. I was stopped by my colleagues telling me that it was not my place to say anything to the students because it was there ‘free time’.
I felt quite embarrassed but I decided to let it go at that and think it over before reacting and saying things I should not. The students, in the meantime, kept on with their shouting and rowdiness. I left the cafeteria with a lot of questions which I immediately vowed to find answers to.
First I decided to pose the questions to my groups without involving my colleagues. I presented the scenario and asked them if it would have been inappropriate for me to go over and ask these students to lower the volume. To my surprise, the majority said it was what a teacher should do and that I should have gone over and talked to them. Only one student said he did not agree mentioning that these students were in recess and should be allowed to do as they pleased. I asked him that if being in recess gave them that right and he thought about it and realized that no.
Then I thought about the comment my colleagues said that if the people managing that cafeteria did not ask them to lower the volume, then I could not. As I see it, the cafeteria is on school grounds and owned by the school. I firmly believe the school should be responsible for dictating the code of conduct for the cafeteria. The managers are there to sell food and sure enough do not want to lose clientele, so they will not be calling anyone’s attention.
We then come to the teachers. What is our job? Are we there to ignore these situations excusing ourselves that it does not correspond to us? I strongly disagree. We are there to take advantage of every situation where we can make a difference. We are there to guide and help students be better persons. We are there to show them that it is not only the classroom that requires appropriate behavior. We are there not to fill them with information, but to EDUCATE. It is our duty as teachers to exemplify GOOD CHARACTER, which is the primary product of education.
I’m sure we all want to see our students making good judgments every day. We want to see students seeking wisdom, acting virtuously, valuing truth, wisdom, hard work, honesty, compassion, empathy, enlightenment, and love of knowledge. To accomplish this, we have to be there to help them, even though they might show resistance and reluctance and even despise us at the moment. In the end, they will appreciate that we took the time to help them improve.
In conclusion, I want to see the educational system working well and the best indicator is the character of our students. There is no doubt that the indelible mark of the school can be seen on the students, and that dear teachers, definitely involves all of us and administrative staff working together to accomplish this.
Keep the fork!
Blanca Julia Garza


Sometimes it’s okay.  Sometimes it’s not one desperate act after another.  Sometimes we hear the music that is always there.  As the old Irish homily goes:  “The most beautiful music is the music of what happens.”  It is not necessary to run to a remote, quiet place to hear it.  It is here already, always.  The essence of eternity is how we experience the present.  The witnesses are here in ourselves.  The fullness of our inheritance denies nothing.

~ Terrance Keenan

I  read this quote in another blog and I had to copy it. I loved it!
Thank you Bountiful Healing !

Getting Started

I'm just trying this out. I already have a blog and maybe I should import it. =)